Rise and shine! Today we celebrate Biological Clock Day, a great day to wake up and get into that happy mood. Why?
The human biological clock, also known as the body clock is responsible for our sleep/wake patterns, regulating these natural processes from age zero. In addition, there are other processes that the body clock monitors and regulates.
How Does The Body Clock Work?
The human body follows a natural cycle of life called the circadian rhythm. From the largest organs to the smallest body cells, everything follows a natural order of activity, rest, and mood. This natural rhythm monitors the environmental elements such as light and temperature and sends signals to the body as to what to do next.
All these processes are being controlled by the hypothalamus, which is located in the brain. This gland receives signals from the sensory nerves and tells the body how to respond. For instance, when the morning comes and we open our eyes, the light travels through the optic nerve into the hypothalamus, telling the body is time to wake up.
In addition, the body clock regulates many other crucial body responses, such as stress, energy levels, hunger, and even motivation.
How to Celebrate Biological Clock Day
Take this day off to reset your mind and body, and have some quality time for yourself. Understand how complex your body clock is and that you should listen to it and support it. Here are a few things you can do in this sense:
- Have regular sleep and wake up hours (ideally, go to bed at sunset and wake up at sunrise).
- Have regular meals, 2 or 3 a day, which are rich in nutrients.
- Reduce the use of phones, computers, or tablets before bedtime, they interfere with melatonin production and do not let you fall asleep and allow the body to rest accordingly.
- Follow your natural body clock. If you are a night owl, this is perfectly fine, don’t force yourself to be a morning lark. Just embrace it.
- If you have mood swings, nurture your body with something healthy for the brain, such as fruits, and your mind with positive thoughts.
- Vitamin A is believed to sustain the good functioning of the circadian rhythm. If you feel off-balance, try supplementing with natural Vitamin A from foods.