Freedom of Information Day - Freedom day is the freedom of the mind – Juliana Frances

Freedom of Information Day

Following right after the True Confessions Day, The Freedom of Information Day is not about us spilling our beans, but our governments spilling theirs, so to say. The top-level of secrecy and non-disclosure is no doubt, in the governments of our countries. While the world leaders may argue that keeping certain information secret from the public is for our own protection, more and more people doubt this good intention.

Freedom Day is the day to look into and celebrate the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and learn about one of the first US presidents James Madison (1751 - 1846), who was a strong advocate for transparency and whose birthday we celebrate on March 16th.

The democrats formulated FOIA in the early 50s and their main point was that: "The present trend toward government secrecy could end in a dictatorship. The more information that is made available, the greater will be the nation’s security."

So, how can we celebrate The Freedom of Information Day?

First off, all citizens need to be aware of the real level of secrecy our governments dwell on. Keeping things secret from the people elected by the public to serve is another form of blatant lie. So for today, we could look into documentaries speaking of government disclosures, or about government secrets that have surfaced and their actual impact.

Freedom day is the freedom of the mind 

Governments and world leaders hide many secrets from the public eye, no doubt about it. This has happened since the times of the monarchies and beyond. Our mission as citizens is to always keep an open mind about what our governments and what the media tells us. Don’t let yourself be spoon-fed, but instead take everything with a pinch of salt and reasonable doubt. Freedom is freedom of mind, first and foremost. And this is something no one can take from you, no government rules and regulations.

 “The Right to Know is the Right to Live” ~ Aruna Roy, Indian political and social activist

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